Top 3 Revolutionary Tech Trends You Should Know

In this ever-changing world, the technological advancement is ever-booming. To suit this fast-paced technology-oriented culture, people are improving themselves. In every moment, new technologies are introduced to the world and the previous one becomes backdated.
Nowadays, our livelihood is designed by these modern technologies. From blockchain to augmented reality — the newest advancements in tech world combined with the propagation of affordable hardware and software have changed the way we access the web.
Here are the top three technological trends that will redefine our livelihood in near future.

Autonomous Vehicles:

People usually think that autonomous vehicle means a car without a driver. However, it is not merely that. This technology includes drone, motion sensor module and so on. A drone is used to capture aerial images of different places by monitoring it through a remote. This technology can be used in responding to natural catastrophes and for remote surveillance. In addition, Canada has developed motion sensor module to control a wheelchair by voice, eye-gaze or a touch screen.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Have you noticed that AI is already a significant part of our lifestyles? From a simple Google search to education and healthcare, this technology is dominating each domain.
The adoption of AI in healthcare is on the top and addressing multiple health hazards. This technology is used to scan images to detect the presence of malignant cells with explicit accuracy.
Computer and internet are helping in the study since years. Apart from this, AI has a positive impact on studies. For instance, equipped with intelligent computer-assisted instruction (ICAI), it can teach the teachers about various subjects.

Augmented Reality (AR):

AI technology is unknown to those, who are not aware of the various technological feats. It eliminates the gap between virtual world and the real world. Apart from its multiple benefits, digital printing service is most valuable. With AR supported devices and mobile applications, you can experience digitally printed contents, which is creating a combined view of real and virtual world.
Nowadays, many renowned magazines are using this technology in their digitalized catalogues. The chief advantage is that the consumer can scan the product from the magazine and purchase it directly from the catalogue by clicking the “Buy Now” button. In addition, executives are using this technology massively. AI helps them to deliver top-class services to their clients.
Use these emerging technologies to transmute your life.